It has been almost 5 years since Matthew Shipp has played in Los Angeles. Please come celebrate the 3 1/2 year run of the Cryptonight New Music series as we present this great artist in our final event of 2006.
With his unique and recognizable style, pianist Matthew Shipp creates music in which free jazz and modern classical intertwine. He first became known in the early '90s as the pianist in the David S. Ware Quartet, and soon began leading his own dates -- most often including bassist William Parker -- and recording a number of duets with a variety of musicians, from the legendary Roscoe Mitchell to violinist Mat Maneri.
What makes Matthew Shipp's recent solo piano recording, "One" on Thirsty Ear Records so different and special is that he has returned to just an acoustic piano, after a great deal of experimentation with beats, samples and even some synth. The entire CD seems to work as suite of connected pieces, creating a mood that moves in organic waves. Much of this is quite contemplative and much less dense than the dark waves that Matt is known for. 'One' is one of Matthew Shipp's crowning achievements; A truly dynamic voyage.