Obra-prima da free improv/noise de 1966, com Cornelius Cardew, piano, violoncelo, rádio transistor; Lou Gare, saxofone tenor, violino; Eddie Prévost, percussão; Keith Rowe, guitarra eléctrica, rádio transistor; Lawrence Sheaff, violoncelo, acordeão, clarinete e rádio transistor.
Later during a flaming Riviera sunset (27.53), Later during a flaming Riviera sunset [LP version] (21.03), Ailantus glandulosa (05.27), In the realm of nothing whatever (13.19), After rapidly circling the plaza (24.19), After rapidly circling the plaza [LP version] (20.31), What is there in uselessness to cause you distress? (03.00), Silence (00.10).