Prossegue série de concertos comemorativos do 60º aniversário de Anthony Braxton, BRAXTON AT 60: A CELEBRATION, que tem lugar no WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY’S CENTER FOR THE ARTS AND MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Sábado, 17 de Setembro, foi assim:
Two GTM compositions were played, each extending over 1 hour (I don't know the composition numbers). The Ghost Trance Musics have really evolved and seem to now incorporate the whole of AB's music system and compositions. Within the music I heard several older compositions and I believe that at one point during the evening I heard a percussion pulse track.
AB played alto and sopranino in both pieces. The 12tet has a wide variety of instrumentation (bassoon. oboe, harp, tuba etc.) which makes for an exciting sound pallett. In the second composition there was a breathtakingly beautiful duo section between AB and the harpist idea for a duo release??). Of the two compositions the first was more serene and organized. The second of the evening was a bit more messy, but enjoyable just the same. Like the previous night, Taylor Ho Bynum plays a large role in AB's world and serves as an alternative conductor for the GTM performance. Jay Rosen on tuba was excellent and contributes mightily to the 12tet. One of the things that impressed me was how interactive this music is, with individual members selecting add-on compositions and musician groupings, it is almost like watching a stage play take place.
I have always enjoyed the GTM series, however seeing them performed live adds an additional level of understanding and appreciation of the music and musicians.