Steady State Music (1993), de
Wieland Samolak (Imbalance Recordings 01), publicado em 1993 na estreia da editora, foi recentemente reeditado por
Robert Henke (
monolake) e disponibilizado para descarga gratuita a partir da página do artista sonoro alemão. Steady State Music resulta essencialmente de drones de ruido tratado e processado como se de arranjos corais em larga escala se tratasse. Um clássico de 1993 que vale bem a pena ouvir.
When I was a teenager I used to sit on an empty field listening for hours to the sounds of distant cars, railroads, helicopters, and other motorized objects. These sounds, which are very rough and noisy when they are near, attracted me from the distance because they had merged and diffused into a continuum when they reached my ears. By this experience it came to my mind that it is more satisfying for me to listen to continuous changes within one sound than to the combinations of discreet sonic events usually found in music.
Remembering that a few years ago I began to search for possibilites to create continuous sonic situations with controlled dramatic development that cannot be expressed in traditional terms of melody, harmony, and sound color. The five pieces collected on this compact disc are my first results».