Outro olhar sobre SURFACE, o mais recente disco do saxofonista português Rodrigo Amado, em quarteto com Carlos Zíngaro (violino) Tomas Ulrich (violoncelo) e Ken Filiano (contrabaixo). Desta vez por Mark Corroto (The Dude is not in...), na All About Jazz.
'This quartet’s recording, while walking away from the jazz tradition, shares much with openly improvised music. But that is not to say this music isn’t accessible. Together, the four blend sounds in overtly satisfying ways. The relatively short pieces presented are played with a sympathetic ear to both the listener and the other musicians. Each piece unfolds very organically, the baritone saxophone utilized as equal partner. When the strings are approached in non-traditional ways on “Calculators,” the players opt for plucked or gently scraped strings and tap-tap-tap of hollow bodies. The key here is the human touch upon the instruments. When in this mode, Amado enters with a gently overblown saxophone to not disturb the flow'.