Mais de duas décadas do trabalho na Alemanha do norte-americano expatriado, Moondog (1916-1999), compilado em dois CDs pela Roof Music. Louis "Moondog" Hardin notabilizou-se na área do experimentalismo minimalista desde os anos 40 e 50, e o seu trabalho antecede o de nomes que viriam a marcar a década seguinte, como Steve Reich e Terry Riley. No caso deste duplo CD, longe já do minimalismo, entre composição e improvisação, o material cobre os anos de 1977 a 1999: German Years 1977 to 1999 (Anthology & The Last Concert). The American Indians have this basic beat, a heartbeat in two speeds -- a walking beat (in twos) and a running beat (in four). I use those rhythms to this day. In fact it just came to me recently that American Indian music is just so syncopated that any jazz musician -- especially in the swing era -- would see a clear connection between jazz and Indian music. Those songs are not improvised -- they've been handed down from generation to generation -- they're extremely old. I think of America as an 'Old World' too, maybe older culturally than Europe.' And elsewhere: 'Harmonically, my music is the same as Bach, Beethoven and Brahms; rhythmically, it goes back to the past -- the swing rhythms of the Indians. You really couldn't find anything more syncopated. - Moondog