I have a new recording, just released, entitled Rub Me The Wrong Way. It is on Innova Recordings, a very interesting label run by the American Composers Forum. I'm hoping it will be in record stores, but record stores are so crappy these days, that I'm not depending on it. Thus, and I'm sending out this email to friends, friends of friends, and people who have ordered copies of my CD in the past (or those of the Microscopic Septet.)
I have put up a page on my web site where you can read a little more about the CD and download some mp3 samples, to hear a little bit of what it sounds like. If you don't decide to buy the CD, please feel free to keep the mp3s. The music was all originally composed for various dances from my very fruitful collaboration with choreographer Keely Garfield, and her company Sinister Slapstick.
I'd be most grateful if you would forward this email to anyone whom you think might be interested in it.
Thanks for your time, and your ears,
Phillip Johnston
PS at my CD web site I also sell my other CDs. This includes all the Koch Jazz CDs which are now in effect out-of-print. I still have some copies of most of them which I am selling until I run out.
posted by eduardo chagas
@ 5.10.04