Hi! We’re two guys from Narvik, Northern Norway who are really into music. We started this record label becuse we want to bring fresh, new records to the people of the world.
Narvik is located at 68° N, about 300 km above the arctic circle. Luckily the Gulfstream brings us hot water all the way from the Sargasso Sea. This hot water keeps the winters short (only seven months!) and the fjords free from ice. In Narvik’s twin city, Kiruna (Northern Sweden), vast amounts of iron ore are mined. However, the Gulf of Bothnia freezes solid every winter, and makes shipping impossible. Thus the iron travels by railway to Narvik and is shipped to the rest of the world. The company who runs the iron ore-shipping is called LKAB (Luossavarra Kirunavarra Aktie Bolag), or as we say in Narvik: bolaget.
Atle Nymo, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, Håkon Mjåset Johansen, Ballrogg, Chrome Hill, IPA, Jupiter featuring Jonas Kullhammar, Håvard Stubø, Daniel Franck, Håkon Mjåset Johansen, Håvard Stubø Quartet, Puma ...