Frontal Grid (petcord), trabalho de Nodepet, nome artístico sob o qual por vezes actua o compositor alemão Olliver Wichmann. Novo episódio de expressionismo electroacústico nado e criado em computador. Em 2007, O. Wichmann publicou o excelente Concrete Muser na portuguesa Test Tube e logo depois Decay, também na alemã petcord, editoras ambas vocacionadas para as novas formas de expressão musical.
«Frontal Grid investigates the problems of spectromorphological mutations, deviations from a central pitch and approximity versus distance. How a simple phrase or an accidentally created sequence can be used for deriving entire arrangements and the way analogies can be built to retain the idea without literal repetition. In other words, I was more concerned about creating a composition structure that is suitable for developing a musical organism. Much like in photography, a composition is an arrangement of contrasts, differences and opposites that carry a common thread. The object is entirely irrelevant so long as the construction in itself is appealing. This is also the main reason for the absense of actual titles: whilst I feel the movement order makes some kind of sense, I prefer to leave the listener in the driver seat concerning his/her imagination».