Live In Oxford (FMR), THE CONVERGENCE QUARTET, disco de composições para quarteto de improvisação, com Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet, flugelhorn), Alexander Hawkins (piano, objectos), Dominic Lash (contrabaixo) e Harris Eisenstadt (bateria). Notas de Simon H. Fell ... Music isn't simply an escape from the complexities, ambiguities and misunderstandings of human existence - although thankfully it can be sometimes. We also need music that provokes tough questions, such as: what is music supposed to 'do'? how do we determine whether a piece of music has 'succeeded' or 'failed', and should we even try? how is it that any truly honest assessment of 'quality' can never be unequivocal? and does this mean we should dismiss any ideals of 'quality' as elitist and simply wallow in a postmodern love-fest? These are the kind of issues that listening to this record will lead you to consider, since this record affords no easy assimilation. The several compositional strategies seem to range from the inscrutable to being perhaps too easily scrutable, and the resulting music includes moments of the sublime, the awkward and the deeply puzzling. At the end of the record, you may even be tempted to ask yourself 'what was that all about?'. Well, thank heavens the Convergence Quartet are prepared to stick their necks out on our behalf.... Na página da Bruce's Fingers.