Alors que son précédent disque solo, "materials", était le fruit d'un travail de recherche en studio, "solo" démontre avec quelle intelligence Jonas Kocher fait usage de son accordéon en concert. Sa musique porte en elle des contrastes énormes, entre retenue et explosion, comme si cette dualité était inscrite dans l'aller-retour du soufflet. Les alternances de graves, de claquements, de souffles et de sur-aigus construisent une forme parfaitement maîtrisée a l'intérieur de la trame improvisée.
lefolk is audio/video artist Leif Folkvord of Grand Rapids, Michigan USA. The material he creates is influenced by a formal education in media arts filtered through the juxtaposition of experiences at his day(night) job as a pilot.
After two full-length albums and the EP “blankscape”, lefolk releases his new work “weather to shore“ on Resting Bell. Consisting of 13 tracks and a complete duration of one hour, “weather to shore“ is a wonderful microsonic sound adventure. The concept of “weather to shore” was based off of stories of shipwrecks in the great lakes region, many of which occured in bad weather. The track titles are names of ships that sank in the various lakes. With that concept in mind you can basically feel the dense and crackling atmosphere on this release. Droning basements layering through the structures like a constant fog. Trickling glitchy sounds reminding me of hail showers. And little melody fractures peeking around like sunlight through a cloud cover after a heavy storm.
Nevertheless “weather to shore” sounds to me like the perfect soundtrack for a lukewarm spring night. And I can see me standing in the outside and holding my face into the cooling evening breeze.